Thursday, February 6, 2014

Stop Smoking Guide - How To Change An Unhealthy Behavior That AppearsTo Be A Solution To A Problem

How To Change An Unhealthy Behavior That Appears To Be A Solution To A Problem
How To Change An Unhealthy Behavior That Appears To Be A Solution To A Problem - Much more and more people are taking a natural take a look at the way they treat the medical problems and people who are wanting to stop smoking are no different. Quit smoking just isn't simple, because it came to be your habit of daily and it has become part in your life. You may have tried to quit smoking even so you still was the advice to go back to smoking and that means you may do not know what else to try and do, so I can quit smoking.
Doesn't seem to make sense that we indulge sometimes in behaviors that actually hurt us in the long run does it? Yet many people eat sugary snacks or just overeat to manage stress. Others may smoke cigarettes because nicotine can, in fact, both help them feel less anxious and less angry as well.
So what happens when these people go on diets or just Stop Smoking? Bet you can guess their significant others might end up living with people who can get upset/irritated over what appear to be small stressors that formerly did not appear to bother them.
The issues with these two behaviors also is the negative consequences of chronically using them as stress/anger reducers does not manifest often for twenty years or more, like heart disease, diabetes or COPD. In the short run the overeating or smoking is actually a solution to controlling their anxiety or anger issues.
How will you Make a Healthy Change When the Problem Seems to be the Solution?
1) Identify first that you'll want to discover a healthier solution to deal with anxiety/anger issues, not just quit the behavior.
2) Seek support in a group or with an individual counselor if needed to help deal with underlying problems.
3) Find healthier alternatives to manage stress. For example: a. Practice a relaxation regimen daily (deep breathing, or other simple forms of non-religious meditation are useful for most b. Learn how to use assertiveness as a communication tool So as to let people know how you feel, what you need, etc. without getting aggressive. This may include learning to judiciously say "no" to overwork at your job, and not overdoing for relatives and friends as well. c.

Related Video on How To Change An Unhealthy Behavior That Appears To Be A Solution To A Problem

Last Search : stop smoking hypnosis , Stop Smoking,quit Smoking,smoking , quit smoking pills

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