Saturday, March 1, 2014

Quit Smoking Ideas - Managing Your Blood Pressure

Managing Your Blood Pressure
Managing Your Blood Pressure - Much more and more people are taking a natural check out the way they will treat their medical problems and people who are trying to stop smoking are no different. Stop smoking is not simple, because it came to be your habit of daily and it has become part in your life. You may have tried to quit smoking even so you still was the advice to go back to smoking so you may do not understand what else to try and do, so I can quit smoking.
It?s a good idea to manage your blood pressure because having hypertension will shorten your life. There are four levels of blood pressure which are:
? Blood pressure levels, stage 2, considered mild to severe -- the top number is 160 or higher (systolic), or 100 or higher for the bottom number (diastolic).
? High blood pressure, stage 1, considered mild 'the top number is 140-159 (systolic), or 90-99 for the bottom number (diastolic).
? In danger of high blood pressure -- the top number is 120-139 (systolic), or 80-89 bottom number (diastolic).
? Normal blood pressure'the top number is less than 120 (systolic), or the bottom number is less than 80 (diastolic).
You will have to do your own blood pressure monitoring to keep track of daily fluctuations. There are quite a few brands of blood pressure monitors. Riester blood pressure monitors -- is a high quality brand --that is Simple to operate.

There are numerous steps you can take to lower your blood pressure: ? Begin with lowering your stress level this might be easier than you think. Find some quiet time throughout the day to just sit back and relax. Think of some positive things that have recently happened that you experienced and dwell on those positive things. Don't be so critical of your self or others.

Last Search : stop smoking cold turkey tips , Stop Smoking,quit Smoking,smoking , quit smoking patch

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