Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Stop Smoking Guide - Medications To Stop Smoking

Medications To Stop Smoking
Those that smoke do wish to quit smoking and they're waiting for that auspicious moment impatiently. Stop smoking isn't simple, as it came to be the habit of day by day and has become part of your life. You may have tried to stop smoking even so you still was the suggestion to return to smoking so that you may don't know what else to try and do, so I can quit smoking.
Medications To Stop Smoking - Nicotine is a powerful drug that is highly addictive. So, those who are trying to quit Smoking must deal with changing old habits as well as withdrawal symptoms. Nicotine replacement therapy, like patches and gums, and Stop Smoking medications can only help with the "physical addiction". Other plans are needed to adjust behavior, which is why so many people are unable to quit, even when using a Stop smoking prescription medication.
One of the famous Stop Smoking medications is Zyban which has the same effect as nicotine. It will fool your brain and your body will not suffer the cessation symptoms in their full strength. Zyban does not contain nicotine thus it is suitable for people who cannot apply nicotine medications or for the ones tried nicotine Stop Smoking products with no success.
Because zyban interacts with a subjects brain chemistry, there is a need for doctors to assess a patients mental health very carefully before prescribing. There are also implications when prescribed with high blood pressure (prevalent in smokers!) and people with heart problems (again, prevalent in smokers!). Zyban was initially seen as the potential 'cure-all' pill but in truth, this is not the case.
Stop smoking classes and hypnosis are no magic bullets. Attending lectures or listening to chants won't guarantee that a person can quit smoking. These only work when the person employing the methods has the will and motivation to quit smoking. These methods only work to enhance the person?s own desire to stop smoking.Stop smoking classes consist of a series of lectures regarding the dangers of smoking.
Nicotine gum keeps your mouth busy, and it also satisfies your smoking cravings quickly. The gum is made from a special material called polacrilex. To release the nicotine from the gum, chew until you feel a tingling sensation in your mouth. Now, to absorb the nicotine, hold the chewed gum between the cheek and gums until the taste or tingling sensation disappears.

This prescription drug increases dopamine levels in brain and you start feeling good. This drug blocks nicotine from reaching nicotine receptors in body. Withdrawal symptoms are few.Side Effects: Trouble sleeping, constipation, vomiting, and nausea Nicotine Inhalers. Nicotine Inhalers are preferred by lots of smokers because it gives low doses of nicotine using the same physical motions done with smoking, such as hand-to-mouth motions.
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